Web Cam
webcam.class (main program)
Simply copy these files into a directory on your web server where they can be accessed by a webbrowser.
To set up the web page for the client, simply insert the following HTML on any webpage where you would like the webcam to be launched from. Since the webcam opens it's own frame and looks like an application, you should specify the minimal size for an applet (I normally choose 2x2 as in the example below).
<applet code="webcam" width="2" height="2" align=left>
<param name="bgcolor" value="000000">
<param name="fgcolor" value="ffffff">
<param name="background" value="images/background.gif">
<param name="videoimage" value="images/talmud">
<param name="seconds" value="8">
<param name="author" value="Michael Olivero (mike95@mediaone.net)">
bgcolor = the default background color of the webcam
fgcolor = the default foreground color of the webcam (count down timer)
background = the default background image (usually a frame that encloses the video)
videoimage = the directory where the image(s) will be located. If the specified image ends with .gif or .jpg, then the video feed is live and that particular image is reloaded over and over. If the image doesn't end with a .gif or .jpg, as in the sample above, the applet starts by loading the basename (talmud in the example above) followed by 0.gif as in talmud0.gif, then talmud1.gif, etc.
seconds = the number of seconds per video frame
author = the value of this field must be as specified above
Note:If you choose to put the class file on another directory on your web server, you must use the codebase attribute of the applet tag or specify the relative location on the code attribute.